What's Your Mission?

Planned or unplanned, we are here to deploy.

Whatever the mission, we are ready. Reach out to speak to a specialist and learn more about how our turnkey and customized solutions can be deployed to help you with your mission.


PLEASE NOTE: All candidates must complete an application for consideration. We will only respond to inquiries from registered applicants. 

For specific questions regarding your employment or candidacy with us, contact the Talent Acquisition team at TA@deployedresources.com.

No general employment inquiries, please.

TENGA EN CUENTA: Todos los candidatos deben completar una solicitud para su consideración. Solo responderemos a consultas de solicitantes registrados.

Si tiene preguntas específicas sobre su empleo o candidatura con nosotros, comuníquese con el equipo de Adquisición de Talento en TA@deployedresources.com.

No consultas generales sobre empleo, por favor.

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PH: 315.281.0039
FX:  315.571.1827

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Our Team.

Our team is comprised of professionals with myriad expertise ranging from military and government to construction and engineering. Our blend of talent, expertise, and knowledge allows us to serve a variety of industries and deliver quality for all mission types.

Have a Question? Here are Some of our FAQs.

With experience from the military, construction, and engineering industries.

We work with you to determine the scope and needs for your mission and can provide a custom quote. Please contact us if you would like to discuss your mission and we will help you with everything from planning to deployment to breakdown.

The cost varies for each mission. Please contact us and we can provide rental and purchase pricing.

Yes. We use a custom fabrication facility to customize all equipment to fit our customers’ needs.

We provide personnel to design, build, and maintain your base camp and ensure compliance by following all OSHA Temporary Labor Camp Standards.

We rapidly deploy our setups. Therefore, once we hit the ground, we can build base camps for under 1500 persons within 72 hours. For camps supporting a population larger than 1500 persons, we can complete the build within 96 hours.

We use a base camp calculator that uses OSHA Temporary Labor Camp Standard 1910.142(f)(1)(ii) to determine the amount of gear needed to support various populations.

Yes. Deployed Resources provides full turnkey services for all base camp equipment, which includes the planning, setup, maintenance, and removal.

Deployed Resources provides site technicians for the duration of every mission. Our technicians conduct daily preventative maintenance checks and make any necessary repairs during the period of performance.

We can provide high-end base camps to meet customer needs. Additional services for high-end camps can include high-end food service, fluff and fold laundry service, MWR facilities, on-site WIFI, and mobile fitness centers and gyms.

Power requirements will vary by equipment type. The requirements are provided on each equipment page under the specifications tab and downloadable sheet.

We offer both. Our tents, or clearspan structures, are offered as soft wall vinyl structures or hard wall panels. We will help you choose which option is best based on the use and your needs.

We offer a variety of meal options and can provide sample menus to suit the mission’s needs.

Yes. We offer non-container fabrication. You can contact our sales team and we will take the time to learn about your mission and provide a customized solution to meet your needs.

All Deployed Resources employees and staff are vetted and drug screened annually. All staff is required to have TWIC cards and carry FEMA credentials along with Safety Council credentials. Some of our staff are also required to have First Aid, OSHA, and forklift training.

Yes. We have retainer customers to whom we offer full emergency service within 72 hours at preferred rates. Please contact us today to discuss your needs and if a retainer contract would work for your organization.

We are proud to have worked with the Department of Defense and FEMA. We have also been fortunate to serve multiple state entities, commercial companies, special event production companies.